Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

Digging into Wordpress

A new blog I came across that focuses on WordPress.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Work in Progress...

Although I have not been as faithful at posting on a daily basis, I feel this year has been more about doing, and turning my inspirations into action, rather than simply posting what inspires me. I'd like to reach a point where I am juggling both, but I'm not there yet. In the spirit of action, I am offering up some posts of what I've been working on the past couple of weeks.

A few months ago, I came across this beat up old chair on the side of the road that, at first, I mistook for an Eames lounge chair. I was sorely disappointed to find out it wasn't an Eames, but a Plycraft lounge chair instead, but since it was free, and somewhat of restoration challenge, I took it upon myself to try my best to breathe new life into it. Here are some shots of my progress so far with a before comparison. Enjoy!

There are still some finishing touches left, but the difference when viewed side to side, even at this point, is remarkable.