Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 6 - January 6, 2010

Today I've spent a large part of the day thinking about money. Our lives are spent obsessed with money, obtaining it to live comfortable lives, obtaining it so that we can spend it on ourselves. I have a weird relationship with money in that I know its value and importance, but I hate money. I hate that we need money. I hate that we give our lives over to the pursuit of money. I've found that the more I focus on money, the more miserable I am and the less I have of it. What if instead of living our lives chasing after money and material gains, we focused on what truly fills our lives and brings us joy? It seems like such a simple concept, but it's a difficult one to put into action. What if this year I focused on what truly brings me joy, on what I'm actually good at and passionate about, what fills my soul rather and serves others than on simply earning a paycheck? I might not gain much of monetary or material value, but I think my life would feel blessed because I wouldn't feel burdened by those concerns. I feel extremely burdened by the poor financial decisions I have made in the past, and my lack of financial means in the present, but maybe that can turn around this year. Maybe I can start by volunteering somewhere.

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